Monday, March 30, 2009

guilty pleasures

Its funny how we always had principles on things. Whether it be about how we do certain things, how we should carry ourselves, how we should love, how we should connect to others, how we should earn respect from others, etc.. etc...

Sooner or later we realize that we're always changing in terms of mindsets. Things being bad doesn't seem too bad anymore.. Things being good seem to be dull and boring. Then we start being all confuse again, back to when we were kids when we were used to listening to our parents differentiating the good and bad.

Half way through it, the guilt comes in then we're finally numb...

busy long weekend

It's been a busy and fun weekend as usual.
Friday, we went to Chadstone to buy necessities and I spent a little too much again changing my facial products. I'm not too sure whether its the weather or the lousy products I was using or maybe just my hormones going wild but little pimples and black heads are starting to pop up again especially on my chin and its really getting on my nerves.
That night, my cousin suddenly called us to join them for some shisha'ing at the city.
It's in Lygon St at Min Zaman (a lebanese restaurant), one that thoroughly specialises in shishas.

They even had belly dances for entertainment but that night we got the butt ugly one. The services was pretty crappy but the shisha's were superb! Never thought I would enjoy them as much.
That night we took the Night Rider straight home from the city itself. We were so chilled out that night, scrolling along the streets eating Mc Donald' french fries while watching all the young adults acting like fools on the street. Some were half drunk, some were just high and some were even screaming outta their cars at others for no reason but it was just a different atmosphere pass midnight. The city was still very much alive.

The next day we were suppose to celebrate my housemate's birthday at Luna Park, near St Kilda beach.
They were all late because they went clubbing until 6am so we chilled along the beach watching people sun bathing and playing with sand. It was really sunning yet it was still very chilly.

That night we were suppose to go to the city for Earth Hour but we were dead tired so we planned to check out Uni instead because they were having African dances and juggles and stuff.
In spite of that, we ended up at Han's friend's place drinking VB and chatting the night away. hee...

I had such bad cravings for all sorts of food yesterday so I had to work my butt out at the gym today.
337 calories gone.. All on the cross trainer and bicycle. I never enjoyed doing cardio workouts and always avoided it by doing weights. Oh well, being such a fat ass.. I better start working on it.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I heart my Uni

Sometimes, I think my UNI is super cool.
They have things like Survivor Week for fresh students to survive the beginning of UNI life so they won't be too stress over the environment change.

They had like a pre-loved items and cheap bargains sale on the common lawn yesterday. It was so cool because they had like tons of vintage stuff, cheap winter accessories, 2nd hand DVD's and funky handmade accessories.
I bought a pair like a pre-loved Doc Martens' eye boots, two sunnies and 3 pairs of knee length woolen socks to wear with my boots.. :)
They were even giving out free Pizza's and massages as well as carrying out Yoga classes in the middle of the field.
Today, they had self defence classes.

The Monster booksale is on again...
Basically I managed to scan the whole stall twice, looking through unique and cheap books that they don't usually have at home.
Only bought a novel and found a really hip book which is about the history of the Hip Hop Generations which I knew Han would love.

I'm so happy the Gryph Inn Bar & Bristro has finally reopened again.
At least now there's like another decent place to chill on campus other than Mama Duke's.

Don't you think my UNI is super cool.. :D

This saturday is going to be earth hour where they're gonna switch off all the electricity for an hour. We're still deciding on whether to gather in UNI or the city.
It's gonna be an awesome weekend again.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


001. Real Name: Cheah Su Jen
002. Nickname(s): Jen, nippie
003. Age: 19yrs 8 months 17days
004. Horoscope: Gemini (the twins)
005. Gender: female
006. Elementary: Some dumb kindy at Larkin. It has already been abolished a couple of years back already
007. Primary School: SRK Infant Jesus Convent J.B.
008. Secondary School: SMK Infant Jesus Convent J.B. (pure convent girl.. :)
009. College: Sunway University College (did Ausmat there)
010. Hair Colour: extremely dark... brown. Pretty much close to black. (all natural)
011. Hair Length: pretty long but not too long. somewhere at my bra strap level
012. Loud or Quiet: hmmm... Seriously I think more I'm more to the quiet side. Only with close friends, I can get pretty chirpy
013. Sweats or Jeans : leggings and tight jeans. (big tights need them)
014. Phone or Camera: phone... all accessible
015. Health Freak: cautious but not a freak (first things first, I hate vegetables)
016. Drink or Smoke: drink :) hee hee. Never smoke before. only shisha...
017. Do you have a crush on someone: currently, no.
018. Eat or Drink: This is hard. I drink lotsa water though. I love to eat but I hate feeling guilty after.
019. Piercings: 3 on the right ear, 2 on the left (1 more at the top was covered) & my navel. ;)
020. Tattoos: ooohhhh.... been thinking of getting one for quite a while. still a virgin on this.
021. Social or Anti-Social: hmmm.... really depends on my mood.
022. Righty or lefty: pure righty in everyway. my left is retarded but I do try sometimes
023. First piercing: when I was in sec 2 I think, started then and went on & on after that
024. First relationship: erm, I think we finally became official when I was on College. It happened in a taxi. lol
025. First Best Friend: It should be from kindy. I have a feeling it was my made up kindy "boy-friend"
026. First Award: It was in Club Med. I was only 5 or 6 I think. Got 2nd place in archery. Was so proud because I hit a bulls-eye but it dropped off. I was the youngest in the club too. :)
027. First Kiss: lol.. real kiss? It form 5 I think. At the staircases of a shopping mall. (how embarrassing *blushing)
028. First Pet: fishes... !!! tons and tons of them in different colours.
029. First Big Vacation: Definitely Singapore when I was young. Went there every weekend with my parents. Back then, I thought it was a nice family day trip. Nowadays, its just for casual shopping. lol
030. First Love at first sight: I don't quite believe that you could just fall in love with somebody by looks. You gotta know the person a little first even if sparks were already flying at the first glance.
031. First Big Birthday: My 16th birthday party at my house. I remember we had a bbq, big cake and there were tons of soft drinks and beer sprayed around my head.
032. First Surgery: None. I'm a healthy kid.
033. First sport you joined: When I was young, my parents put me in the swimming pool before I could even walk. The rest was history.

This or That
034. Orange or Apple juice: I hate apples. (maybe because my parents love them so much and knowing the amount of nutrition it'll give you)
035. Rock or Rap: The only rap singer who I really fell in love with was the legendary Eminem but I've always been a fan of Modern/ Alternative Rock. Always been... :)
036. Country or Screamo: erm..more on Country/Folk. Screamo is good when I'm in a pissy mood
037. NSYNC or Backstreet boys: More of a Westlife fan last time. lol
038. Britney spears or Christina Aguilera: My first album was Hit Me Baby one more time but I've always known that Christina was the better singer. Britney is just drama.. drama. drama baby.
039. Night or Day: Evening... :)
040. Sun or Moon: Sun sets...
041. TV or Internet: TV I can live without... Internet? I'll die without.
042. Playstation or xbox: Never played xbox. Grew up with a brother who is PS crazy
043. Kiss or hug: oh... another hard one.. Hugs are really really really comforting but kiss.. ohh.. ;)
044. Iguana or turtle: turtles, definitely. so cute can die.
045. Spider or bee: erm... not a fan of either one
046. Fall or spring: love the flowers in spring... autumn makes me feel v mellow.
047. Limewire or iTunes: Limewire to download my music. I use iTunes to play em so its thoroughly 2 different things
048. Soccer or baseball: Softball for life!!!

049. Eating: had a bananananana....
050. Drinking: water.. always have my bottle beside me
051. Excitement level: kinda stoning... it's still early here.
052. I'm about to: hopefully get into the mood to do my work
053. Listening to: fan spinning.. Chessy Macy Grey on my itunes
054. Plan for today: Today is suppose to be my work day. been playing too much.
055. Waiting for: Han is call me and complain to him bout my shelve casing.
056. Energy Level: I'm just plain lazy now
057. Thinking of someone: yea... always.. :)
058. Want kids?:yes.. :)
059. Want to get married?: Of course. When the timing is right and when I'm deeply in love with that special someone and feeling so sure bout the future
060. When?: When I've enjoyed my youth and when I'm stable in my carrier.
061. How many kids do you want: 3... no more, no less
062. Any name on the mind: I've always thought of supermodel names for my girls like Giselle, Adriana and so on... lol.
063. What did you want to do: update my photos on facebook..
065. Mellow future or wild: wild... wild.. wild... until when I had enough, mellow
066. Something you would never try: hmmm... eat my shit
067. When do you want to die: When I'm satisfied with life

Which is the better in the boy/girl you like(in the future)
068. Lips or Eyes: Eyes
069. Romantic or Funny?: Funny I guess but the romance has to stay too...
070. Shorter or Taller?: taller... no doubt about this. I myself aint tall... (like what my mama said, the first & main thing is that "he" has to be tall)
071. Protective or Caring?: caring.. I cant stand someone being too sticky and stops me from doing things I want
072. Romantic or Spontaneous?: Spontaneous... sigh but I still want the romance.. once in a while...
073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms?: arms... *melts but I wouldn't want him to have a big tummy..
074. Sensitive or Loud?: I can't stand loud LOUD people. not too sensitive too
075. Hook-up or Relationship?: Relationship... :) I can't do hook ups unless I'm totally depressed or something
076. Trouble Maker or Hesitant?: A pinch of naughtiness.
077. Muscular or normal: Muscular... yumm yumm.. but not too much
078. Kissed a stranger: no yet..
079. Broken a bone: A normal guy would be good
080. Glasses or contacts: I'm not a fan of guys having glasses... at all. lol. so contacts, puh-lease...
081. Ran away from home: I love a family guy. no running away, ok?
082. Held a gun/knife for self defence: not into gangsters... unless he's trying to save my life. lol
083. Killed somebody: Not that into those kinda really BAD boys.
084. Broken some one's heart: not mine then it's ok..
085. Had your heart broken: like what I said above..
086. Been arrested: nothing too terrible would be good. I myself aint perfect either.
087. Cried when someone died: perfectly fine....
088. Liked a friend more than a friend: only if it's me.. (sounds so selfish huh?)

Do you believe in
089. Yourself: yea... like most of the time
090. Miracles: I didn't at first but I'm starting to
091. Love at first sight: No... like I said, you gotta know that person.. see whether you guys get along. Plus, I'm really fussy and picky
092. Heaven: I think so...
093. Santa Claus: Bull-shit..
094. Tooth Fairy: for the 1st 8 years of my life, I really did. My parents did a fantastic job on that.
095. Kiss in the first date: lol... yea if the attraction is unbearable
096. Angels: erm... not really..

Answer Truthfully
097. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now? : yea.. :) always...
098. Are you seriously happy with where you're in life now?: i would give it a rating of 8/10... pretty happy indeed.
099. Do you believe in God? : I think so... I know there's just something out there that's bigger than us.
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 10 people.

in god's eyes, we all stars

Yesterday we were out the whole day.
Caught He's Just Not That Into You at Melbourne Central. It wasn't too bad... Pretty much like a pinch of Sex and the City and a slice of Love Actually.

After that we went to Melbourne Music Academy for the 5 on 5 break and 2 on 2 Hip Hop Competition.
It was unbelievable!
There was like Hip Hop, Popping and Krumping performances by the judge and the Philippine All Stars crew and others...
Seriously, the technical and creativity of these dances are superb! It can easily beat those I've seen back home hands down!!! No doubt about it....

That night we had dinner and drinks at Han's cousin's place. :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

self-declared holiday

Today was the VIP Winter Shopping at Chadstone. It started from 9am-10pm
It only happens twice as year so how could I resist???

The only thing that stopped me from shopping was when I ran outta cash and my feet started to hurt from the walking in my boots.

Han got his left eyebrow pierced today because all services in Essential Beauty was 50% off and accessories were at ridiculously low prices so I gladly changed my navel stud too. :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

because of you

Because you were always there through the ups and downs
because you were always there ever since we were still playing with game boys and fighting over friends
because you were always there through the struggles of puberty
through the times of our greatest achievements and failures
through our happiest and gloomiest days...
and because for being true and honest for who you really are.

and even if we were a million miles apart, I think of this day as a blessing that you came into my life 10 years ago.
I love you, my best friend.

Happy 20th birthday... :)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

turning legal

Past two days we've been celebrating Sonia's 18th birthday.

Friday night was more of having pizza, chilling and having a drinking session.
I was pretty much fucked up by downing vodka.

The next morning, we were suppose to go to Carrum Beach but it started raining the whole afternoon so we gave that a miss.
Later that night we went to Shark's Fin at China town for dinner then to a cafe outside Crown.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

little things in life

Yesterday when I was on the way to class, I heard loud music and cheers coming from the front lawn. Being a busy body, I had to check out what was the commotion about.
The big band was back again. They were like playing under a big tent to keep away from the scorching sun.

Even so, what made me so ecstatic was that Blue Dogs Posters are back on campus!!!
Good opportunity to add to my collection of posters on my room wall.

(mamma mia... hot hot hot!!!)

Last night we had a house meeting with my housemate to organize stuff at my place .
After that, Han called me outside to look at the moon. Seriously, the live version of it is like 10 times more beautiful compared to what I'm showing you now. :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

in the dark

I've always been a private person.
I was never really keen in the idea of showing the whole world about the state of my relationships, my studies and basically my life.

Being brought up in a small family, its really hard for me to express myself in public.
Even if I do, I'll be doing it to keep in touch with friends with the mainstream Facebook, blogging and recently, Twitter.

I guess when it comes to the concern of another, you gotta give in sometimes.
So yea, don't blame me for displaying private things of myself because you know I'm not like that.
I don't need to show the world who I am really because in fact, I don't really care what people think about me.

Honestly, I never like the pressure it would take on my private life.
People judge and say things. I know that very well because I do it too. Sad to say, very much indeed. It's not because I'm trying to be critical or something. It's just that the more I observe things, the more I learn about life and the way people work, you know?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Moomba Festival

Filled with carnival games,
awesome rides,
live gigs,
and sipping hot chocolate while watching fireworks above our heads...

never knew I could feel like this

there are commas,
sometimes question marks,
and other times even exclamation marks...

but there are no full stops...

no full stops.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

back to school

Seven was having a "Back to School" theme last night
Its been a long time since we danced to r&b in the club.
The queues outside the club were tremendously long but waiting for an hour was pretty worth while because my cousin's on the VIP guest list as usual and got a table.

Danced my heart away... !

Thursday, March 5, 2009

nights of wonder

Coldplay concert was a blast! I wouldn't trade anything for the whole experience.
Every song they sang had special props for them.
The best part was that the band actually came 2 meters away from me and they even ended the whole show with my favorite song from the Viva La Vida album.

last night, we had a dinner gathering for the residents living at my apartment.
It was held at the bar on campus called The Gryph.
Its a really cool place to chill and release stress.

My sexy housemate and I totally rocked the dance floor.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

of eternal sunshines & happiness

It's been a while since I felt this contented and happy.

In a world full of stranger, someone bigger than us out there watching over us.
He's playing little games for us, testing our strength and weakness.
When everything seems all good, we sometimes worry that the bad will come soon after...

Please let me stay in my oblivion of the darker side of that, for I would never want this feeling to go away, ever...

Monday, March 2, 2009


guess who's going to catch the legendary Coldplay tomorrow night???

Gold upper tickets!!!

And up high above and down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth...

Sunday, March 1, 2009


It was a miracle that I felt so energetic yesterday when I only slept for half an hour the night before.
Surprisingly, I never failed to even yawn when it was 3.30am before we all decided to sleep.
Pass few days have been filled with lotsa chilling, shopping, outings & fun.

Life's been good. No worries.
